
Peer-Reviewed Articles

Franzen, S. (2022). Plurality in black rural development. Sustainability Science, 1-15.

Franzen, S., & Bascomb, L. T. (2021). Holding Land, Claiming Kin: The Relation Between Race, Land, and Kinship in the Southern US and Barbados. Antipode, 54(2), 418-438.

Franzen, S. (2020) “The Value of Farming: Multi-faceted Wealth Generation through Cooperative Development.” Economic Anthropology. 7(2): 279-292.

Franzen, S. (2018). Framing nature: Visual representations of ecological paradigms. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 33(3), 256-258.Framing Nature: Visual Representations of Ecological Paradigms. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 1-3.

Franzen, S. (2017). Reality Education: Agricultural Knowledge Exchange in the US South. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 7(2): 69-83.

Franzen, S., & Orr, J. (2016). Participatory Research and Visual Methods. Visual Methodologies, 4(1), 1-9.

Franzen, S. (2013). Engaging a Specific, Not General, Public: The use of ethnographic film in public scholarship. Qualitative Research. 13(4): 414-427.


Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

Franzen, S. (2019). Rethinking Presentation of Ethnographic Films. In R. Freeman and J. Crowder (Eds). Anthropological Data in the Digital Age: New Possibilities – New Challenges. New York: Palgrave Macmillan